Dear Exhibitors,
We are publishing the SCHEDULES and ALL IMPORTANT INFORMATIONS for both Lipica Shows.
Please check the schedules below and come to the Showground according to the schedules to avoid standing in long lines in the Show Office to collect your papers. PLEASE have your entry confirmation that you recieved on your e-mail with you!
SCHEDULE CACIB Lipica 1, 8.10.2016 – CORRECTION!: Bernese sennenhund will be judged by Dainora Sudeikiene on Saturday at 13:00.
SCHEDULE CACIB Lipica 2, 9.10.2016
Schedule of the Show:
7:00-11:30 entry with dogs
9:40 opening of the show
10:00 judging in the rings
13:30-14:30 JH/SH competition
14:30-17:30 Best in Show
13:00-18:00 Special show for FCI 5
7:00-11:30 entry with dogs
9:40 opening of the show
10:00 judging in the rings
14:00-14:30 presentation of the Working test for retrievers
14:30-17:30 Best in Show
Sketches / maps:
We would like to inform all VISITORS of the Show, that the entry directly to the show from behind the Show area will only be possible for exhibitors and their company. All visitors have to park in front of the main entrance to the Stud farm Lipica and enter the Stud farm through the main gate of the Stud farm. When going through the Stud farm, you are also welcome to visit our international Dog shows.
All visitors can check the schedules above and come to the Show when the breeds of your interest are on the schedule.
Best in Show program will start after all dogs have been judged in the rings – this should be by 14:30. Best in Show will start with Junior / Senior handling competition.
On Sunday you are welcome to check the presentation of the working test for retrievers which will take place in BIS tent at 14:00.
Welcome to our Shows!
We are publishing the map of entry to the Show for exhibitors. When you enter Lipica, stick right, pass the Golf course and Hotel Klub and you will get to the security gate. The security will point you in the correct direction to the parking for exhibitors.
All exhibitors arriving to the Show with caravans on Friday, please take into concideration, that you should be in Lipica at 19:00 LATEST, as after this hour, the security closes down the whole Stud farm and entry is no longer possible. We have parking spaces for caravans next to the road towards the Show ground with electricity (check the above map).
Entry to the Show ground will be opened on Saturday and Sunday from the car parking lot behind the Show ground. Our staff will point you in the correct direction in the morning.
We would like to ask all exhibitors, who will park in Lipica over night, to follow the rules of the Studfarm and the security guards. Otherwise you will be asked to leave the area.
IMPORTANT!!! All exhibitors will recieve a special WRISTBAND when entering into the Show ground each day. This band serves as the permit to move around the Lipica Stud Farm accoring to Lipica rules. Exhibitors don’t pay extra entry, because it is included in the entry fee you payed for the dog. All persons, who are accompanying the exhibitors will recieve the wristband after paying 5 EUR entry fee. Please wear the wristband at all times while you are inside the Stud farm Lipica. If Lipica staff catches you withouth the wristband, you will be asked to leave the area.
Champion titles will be made both days in the SHOW OFFICE after the following schedule: 11:00-13:00 in 14:00-17:00!
RESULTS will be stamped at the CAS stand!
Sketch of the ring layout:
8.10.2016: International Dog Show, Crufts 2017 Qualification
8.10.2016 15:00: Special Show for FCI 5 (organiser is Klub 5)
9.10.2016: International Dog Show
Special Shows for FCI 1 (withouth GS), Bernese Mountain Dog, Hovawart, Rottweiler, Shar Pei, FCI 6, FCI 7 and Spaniels and Water Dogs
Decission of KSV 8/11-2016: Cropped and docked dogs of all breeds born after 1.1.2015 CAN NOT be shown on dogshows in Slovenia, except when applying a veterinary certificate. The veterinary certificate should be sent with the entry as well as presented to the judge in the ring.
Final statistics for CACIB Lipica 2016. Schedules and all information will be published on our website and FB page on Monday or Tuesday.
CACIB Lipica 1, 8.10.2016
CACIB Lipica 2, 9.10.2016
Only the dogs with the FCI recognised pedigree may be shown. The original pedigree is to be available at the show. Sick dogs can not take part at the show. All dogs should be kept on leash at all times and muzzled if aggressive. The exhibitor is liable for any damages caused by his/her dog(s) at the show. The exhibitor is liable for the presentation of his/her dog(s) by the catalogue numbers in the ring in due time. By signing the registration form, exhibitors accept to conform to the Cynological Association of Slovenia Regulation on exhibiting. The organizer reserves the right to substitute the judges. The registration fee is to be settled regardless whether the registered dog is shown or not. Exhibitor’s complaints will be dealt with at show only, according to CAS and FCI rules.
Exhibitors must present the pet passport with the certificate of a valid rabies vaccination.
DECISION 29/3-2014: Cropped and docked dogs born AFTER 1.1.2015, can not be shown on Dogshows in the Republik of Slovenia. Exception are only hunting dogs.
Please read the whole entry form and fill all the empty spaces in legible font. It is imperative that you also send us a copy of: pedigree, FCI working certificate if you are entering your dog to working class, copy of national or international championship if you are entering your dog to champion class and a copy of payment if you payed in advance.
Every exhibitor will receive an entry confirmation before the Show. This is also considered as a ticket for one person. Exhibitors, that will provide an e-mail address on the entry form, will receive the confirmation on their e-mail address.
Beneficiary: KZS D.O.O., ZAPOGE 3 D, 1217 VODICE, SLOVENIA
Bank: A BANKA d.d., Slovenska c. 58, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN: SI56 0510 0801 2837 263
Reference: 00-80000
If the owner of the Karst Shepherd doesn’t come to the Show and does not delete the dog from the catalogue in the correct time, he/she has to pay the full price of the entry for his/her dog.